About us - Kennel Vom Haus Denfors K9
We are a family oriented breeder in the Salt Lake City area, Utah, operated by Markus and Rossi Dengler-Forman.
We have been in the German Shepherd dog and dog sport world for over 30 years.

Rossi Dengler
Markus Forman
Our Boys
I am born and raised in Germany. I grew up with German Shepherds. My first own German Shepherd was a purebreed GSD without papers and registration, I started the sport with. Since then I only wanted a real deal ;-)
I breed, train, title and compete with our dogs at high competition levels and operate our Dog Training Business
"Denfors K9 Academy".
I have been training dogs since over two and a half decades. I have deep experience and knowledge of our beloved breed - the German Shepherd Dog.
I am founder, secretary/treasurer and one of the training directors at the USCA
Utah GSD Schutzhunde Club, that we established in 2016.
Qualified for National Championship with Texa von der Kinzigau, 2016
2019 IGP2 Champion with Alpha
2020 IGP2 Vice Champion with Ajax
2021 IGP3 Third place Championship with Ajax
2021 Qualified with Ajax for IGP
USCA Nationals
2022 USCA National Working Dog Championship with Ajax and Alpha
2022 USCA National GSD IGP Championship
Multiple times Regional Competitor in multiple Regions
Several BHOT Awards
Breeder Handler Owned Trained
Several Awards High in Trial IGP 2-3, high Obedience, high Tracking, high Protection
USCA IGP3 Club several times with different dogs
USCA Sports Medal
GOLD, Silver, Bronze
(Please also visit the Dogs websites to see the Galley of Championship pictures and accomplishments)
AKC Evaluator for
AKC Community Canine
AKC Judge for
AKC Fedge
AKC Temperament Test (ATT)
I am born and raised in Germany. I grew up with German Shepherds as well.
I got my first own German Shepherd when I was 12 years old and trainined and titled him to SchH3 Title.
Since then I had trained and titled multiple German Shepherds to SchH3/IPO3/IGP3
I breed, train, title and compete with our dogs at high competition levels.
I have a direct impact on the success of our dogs on attaining their working titles. I do the protection helper work for all of our dogs.
I am in the dog sport world with German Shepherds since I was 12 years old and my parents started with the sport in the 70th, I was with German Shepherds my entire Life.
I am founder and the president, training director, Breed Warden
and Protection helper
(also known as Decoy) at the
Utah GSD Schutzhunde Club, that we established in 2016.
SV Medal 30 years
Multiple times Regional Competitor
Qualified for National Championship with Molin vom Salztalblick, 2016
BHOT Awards

"We help to train our dogs in Schutzhund and Show Training.
My Brother and me we love our German Shepherds and we support our parents when they are on the road for trials or competitions.
We are so happy to have our dogs to be with us and protecting us"