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Conan vom Haus Denfors K9


Conan is one of a lifetime dog. Very impressive personallity.


His type is characteristic of the modern German Shepherds from the former West Germany with big heads, wide chest and massive bone structure and correct in his angulation and conformation, but more the medium size dog.

Conan is extremely powerful. 

He still is a puppy.

His medium size combined with his raw power and speed is phenomenal.

His bites and  grips are phenomenal hard and tied - that is unbelievable.

He is a fast dog and his work ethic is exceptional!

With family and friends he is a sweetheart.

He is extremely sweet and loving. He is an extremely confident, bold and assertive boy also.



Conan is everybodys Darling!


He is happy in the house with his people, or cuddling with the kids. He is just cool!  You absolutely will not find another dog like him anywhere else.

Breed Survey

N/A yet


Ahnentafel / Pedigree

(Click on the picture for the link to working dog)

Conan Trialing
Conan Training & Art
Conans Breedings
"VOM COLDWIND" Puppies born 12/21/2024
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